Friday, 22 June 2007

the dance continues and time rolls on

Outside of the research on identity, which I must include because this is what it, is all about.

Today, the dance continues. My abode has a shared bathroom. I share the bathroom with two males. One, which I learned, likes to take his time in the bathroom in the mornings!
Normally, all of us like to “sleep in” in the morning, up around 9:30 to 10:00 at which time the large home becomes alive.

On this particular morning, I had to wake up early to go into Bethlehem, to shhh, don’t tell anyone, to go to a demonstration. Ehhh ummm.

I set my alarm at the astounding time of 8:15 and I am glad to say that I arose. I promptly put on the “proper clothing” for Bethlehem and improper clothing for the heat. I prepared my camera and promptly left for the bathroom, where I would proceed to finish my prepardness. However, the room was “occupied” (a term commonly used around here) and I had to wait. Tap tap tap, finally I went downstairs to prepare some tea, while waiting. Which is a standard morning procedure of mine that I was going to sacrifice without on this day in order to BE ON TIME.

I prepared my tea, I talk to another resident of this fine home and I meander upstairs to finish my process.

I run out the door, run down the steps, walk rapidly to the serviece, and sit and wait for the vehicle to “fill up” with those who were heading the same direction as I. You see, the public transportation does not run on a time schedule. They leave at regular times, which means: when the vehicle is full. Friday is holy day for the Muslims and the vehicles were filling up rather slowly to head outside of Jerusalem.

Therefore, I sat in the vehicle for 15 minutes, where I decided to call the people that I was supposed to meet to see if it was too late and it was. I got out of the vehicle and made my way back home, to “write on the Rwanda paper that is forever haunting me”

However, I do have good news! I have the photos from my first workshop in Adyah camp! I will publish some next.

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