The Other Walls: The Arab-Israeli Peace Process in a Global Perspective. By Harold H. Saunders
Drawing on intensive firsthand experience gained during the most successful years of Arab-Israeli peace negotiations, Harold Saunders explains the complexities of the peace process: it was not just a series of negotiated agreements but negotiation embedded in a larger political process. In the first edition of The Other Walls, Saunders argued persuasively that until leaders change the political environment by lowering the human and political barriers to peace, negotiators stand little chance.
$20.95 new from $2.69 used
The West Bank Wall: Unmaking Palestine
By Ray Dolphin
What is the purpose of the West Bank Wall? Since Israel began its construction in 2002, it has sparked intense debate, being condemned as illegal by the International Court of Justice. Israel claims it is a security measure to protect Israeli citizens from terrorist attacks. Opponents point to the serious impact on the rights of Palestinians, depriving them of their land, mobility and access to health and educational services. In The West Bank Wall, Dolphin explores the Palestinian experience of the Wall and places the debate in its international context. Dolphin's writing is informed by his work for the UN, where for three years he monitored and compiled reports on the Wall's impact on the humanitarian conditions in refugee camps, towns and villages. With an introduction by Graham Usher, who has worked as Palestine correspondent for major international publications including the Economist, Middle East International, al Ahram English Weekly, the Guardian and Le Monde Diplomatique, this book puts the purpose of the Wall to the test. What are the real intentions behind the Israeli security argument? Is it a means of securing territory permanently through an illegal annexation of East Jerusalem? Ray Dolphin provides some answers, offering a unique critical account of the impact of the wall and how it affects plans for a Palestinian state and for future peace in the Middle East.
$23.95 new from $16.60 used
The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World
By Avi Shlaim
As it celebrated its fiftieth anniversary, the State of Israel could count many important successes, but its conflict with the Palestinians and the Arab world at large casts a long shadow over its history. What was promulgated as an "iron-wall" strategy--dealing with the Arabs from a position of unassailable strength--was meant to yield to a further stage where Israel would be strong enough to negotiate a satisfactory peace with its neighbors. The goal remains elusive. In this penetrating study, Avi Shlaim examines how variations of the iron-wall philosophy have guided Israel's leaders; he finds that, while the strategy has been successful, opportunities have been lost to progress from military security to broader peace. The Iron Wall brilliantly illuminates past progress and future prospects for peace in the Middle East.Maps, 18 pages of photographs.
$14,93 new 9,92 used
Windows in the Wall
By Rebecca Heyl
The 100 photographs of this photo diary document Rebecca Heyl’s frequent travels between the West Bank and Israel. Her images are acutely human and perceptive, providing a sense of the texture of daily life in these two territories. They also show her respect for her subjects’ dignity in the face of often unbearable circumstances. Heyl’s thought-provoking introduction and running commentary also help illuminate each image. Windows: Channels for Communications is a joint organization established in 1991. Its members—Jews and Palestinians from both sides of the Green Line—work together to promote acquaintance, understanding, and reconciliation between both peoples, through educational and cultural programs, media, and art. They work toward reaching a just and lasting peace, as well as means by which Palestinians and Jews can learn to cope together with the history and present reality they share. It is a non-profit organization not affiliated with any political body and is based on volunteer work and funded by donations.
$19,00 new from $5,00 used
Against the Wall: Israel's Barrier to Peace
From New Press, The
Voices from Israel and the Occupied Territories, as well as around the world, 3xplore the intersection of architecture and politics Called a "security fence" by the Israeli government and the "apartheid wall" by Palestinians, the barrier currently under construction in the West Bank has been the subject of intense controversy since the first olive tree was uprooted in its path. In violation of a ruling by the International Court of Justice and a resolution by the United Nations General Assembly, the structure juts deep inside Palestinian territory, altering not only the geographical landscape, but the political one as well.
This groundbreaking book includes a collection of outstanding original pieces, along with photographs and maps, that offer a frank critique of the wall from a range of perspectives—legal, historical, architectural, and philosophical. Renowned writer and architect Michael Sorkin has assembled commentary from various international experts, including both Israeli and Palestinian voices. Together they reinforce a view widely held around the world (though not by the government of the United States): Israel's wall can act only as a barrier to future peace.
Contributors include: Suad Amiry, Ariella Azoulay, Terry Boullata, Mike Davis, Sari Hanafi, Stephanie Koury, Dean MacCannell, Ruchama Marton, Adi Ophir, Rebecca Solnit, Anita Vitullo, and Eyal Weizmann.
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Three Cities Against the Wall
By Seth Tobocman, Terry Berkowitz
An historic collaboration among 40 artists of Palestine, America and Israel who all call attention to the human rights implications of Israel's Separation Barrier in the Gaza Strip. The artists make a powerful statement that this barrier is a barrier to peace and separates us all from justice and equality. Artists include Art Spiegelman, Tayseer Barakat, Leon Golub, Nancy Spero, Joe Sacco, Sulaiman Mansour, Seth Tobocman, Eric Drooker, Terry Berkowitz and many others.
$8.70 new or used
The Crossing Borders Project
by, Susan Brannon
Through documentary photography and the participation in photography workshops, The Crossing Borders Project encourages citizens to generate their own voice rather than others doing it for them. Disposable cameras were distributed to three different groups in the West Bank of Israel who are closed within a wall and who cannot cross the borders to share their story with the rest of the world. The three representative groups are: The Tamer Institute for Community Education in Ramallah, Aida Refugee Camp in Bethlehem, and the Palestinian Working Women Society for Development in Ramallah. This book is the voice of the people, from the people and by the people. A collaborative effort to tell the story. The Crossing Borders Book is a collection of stories and images that were chosen by the participants to be shared with others. Part of the collection of images in the book, reflect behind the scene realities of the conflict through the lens. The book is dedicated to all those who hope and work for peace.