By Photojournalist Susan Brannon. Through the use of documentary photography and participating in photography workshops, The Crossing Borders Project encourages citizens to generate their own voice, rather then others doing it for them. Participants capture images to reflect their lives, their interests, and their stories to share across borders.
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Medjuorge Message 25 January
Sent by the Medjugorge participants.
In Italian then in English
"Cari figli! Anche oggi vi invito con gioia ad aprire i vostri cuori e ad ascoltare la mia chiamata. Io desidero avvicinarvi di nuovo al mio cuore Immacolato dove troverete rifugio e pace. Apritevi alla preghiera affinché essa diventi gioia per voi. Attraverso la preghiera l'Altissimo vi darà l'abbondanza di grazia e voi diventerete le mie mani tese in questo mondo inquieto che anela alla pace. Figlioli, testimoniate la fede con le vostre vite e pregate affinché di giorno in giorno la fede cresca nei vostri cuori. Io sono con voi. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata".
"Dear Children, Also today I call you with joy to open your hearts and listen to my call. I want to get close again to my Immaculate Heart where you will find refuge and peace. Open yourselves to prayer so that it becomes a joy for you. Through prayer Almighty give you an abundance of grace and you will become my extended hands in this troubled world that yearns for peace. Little children, bear witness to the faith with your lives and pray that every day spread the faith in your hearts. I I'm with you. Thank you for having responded to my call. "
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