Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Moving along....

June 19, 2007

The song and dance continues. The women from Adyah Camp did not have their camera’s ready by Saturday, I called again on Monday afternoon and only 3 have handed them in. In turn, I will meet with the women on Wednesday for them to hand in the cameras and to set a date for the viewing of the images and proceed with the 1st workshop. I am now three weeks behind schedule, but have not lost all hope!

Yael with Givat Zev has finished her performance in Tel Aviv last night! I hope that it turned out well and I am sorry that I could not attend. It is not as easy for me to hop on a bus to view a performance in the evenings from Jerusalem. We shall meet with her appointed friends at the end of this week, however, a time and exact date has not been set.

It looks like Gevat Haviva may be interested in my project, they requested my university proposal to read in order to decide. Crossing my fingers. I also await for the verdict from the mixed group of women that also requested the same thing. The tentative date for the first meeting will be next Saturday, just outside of Ramallah.

Yes, I am moving right along.

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