Wednesday 11 April 2012

Photography Articles

Below are links to Photography tips and lessons
They are not in any specific order.  Just scroll down until you find something interesting!  

This was a page, now its a post, due to the new format for this blog...I can't seem to revert to the please check back once in a while on this see updates..ummm. 

Working with Apertures and the F-16 Rule
The larger the aperture in a camera is the hole or opening through which light travels this part of the camera is called an iris.  

13 May 2011, Italy - The Internet was a main source in organizing the dates, times and places for the demonstrations in almost all of the Middle East uprisings. As a result, Libya has blocked all social networking sites... 

Tips on How to Use our Disposable Camera
We have been distributing quite a few cameras lately without conducting our famous workshop to offer tips in person regarding the camera.

Documentary Photography Lesson 1
Documentary photography is often used to incite political and social change due to its ability to capture the “true” nature of an image or location.

Documentary Photography Lesson 2
"In documentary photojournalism, it is wrong to alter the content of a photograph in any way (electronically, or in the darkroom) that deceives the public." ...

"We have many problems in journalism today that threaten our profession and in fact threaten the Constitution of our country. Photo-ops, lack of access to news events...

In one of the early Digital Conferences, the Rev. Don Doll, S.J. pointed out that there are degrees of changes that can be done electronically to a photograph. There are technical changes that deal only with the aspects of photography that make the photo more readable...

Have you ever tried to take photographs of moving subjects and everything always came out blurry?  Have you ever wondered how the sports and war photographers capture crisp images of the subject, while the background has movement or blur?

Henri Cartièr-Bresson was considered the father of modern photojournalism. He used the 35mm format, and mastered candid photography. He helped develop street photography or
“real life reportage”

The Holga camera is an inexpensive medium format “toy camera” made in China.  The camera is known for generating pictures of blur, leaking light, distortions and vignetting

Visual journalists operate as trustees of the public. Our primary role is to report visually on the significant events and varied viewpoints in our common world. Our primary goal is the faithful and comprehensive depiction of the subject at hand.

Honest photographs can have an ethical dimension when it concerns the personal ethics of the photographer. Did the photographer violate some ethical standard in the process of making the picture?

It is time to get back to the theme of this report - the ethics involved with the use of computers to process images....

History is defined as, “a record of narrative description of past events”, “all that is remembered of the past as preserved in writing; or images; a body of knowledge”

To answer the question “What is street photography?” is quite simple yet complex.  It is taking images in public places, like a part, an urban setting, a small town, conventions; public places that the photographer chooses to take images.

Normally, in street photography, the photographer wants a natural look of the environment.  You don’t want to pull out your 24-70 mm lens when trying to create the natural environment because it grabs too much attention!

Visual journalists operate as trustees of the public. Our primary role is to report visually on the significant events and varied viewpoints in our common world. Our primary goal is the faithful and comprehensive depiction...

What is the Difference Between Street and Documentary Photography? There are various opinions between photographers between street, photojournalism and documentary photography.  The discussions can become confusing thus leaving the person who asked the questions without any real answers.

The shutter is what controls how long the sensor is exposed, the longer the shutter is open the more light can be absorbed onto the sensor. The shutter speeds are controlled in seconds and fractions of seconds.

What do you do if you am somewhere when the light is the strongest and you really want to take some images?   Remember, photography is based on the amount of exposure of light that is absorbed to your film or sensor.  Taking images in the harsh sun can wash out your images, making the colors dull and drab.
Documentary Photography Lesson 2
"In documentary photojournalism, it is wrong to alter the content of a photograph in any way (electronically, or in the darkroom) that deceives the public."  The motto of the NPPA.

Tips for Night Photography
It is difficult to take images at night and in low light, but to do so, is the fun challenge in photography!  Once, you set out and “practice” you will find your technique and afterwords there will be not a time in the day when you think, “I cannot take a photography because of the light!”

Aperture and f/16 Rule The larger the aperture in a camera is the hole or opening through which light travels this part of the camera is called an iris.  The iris is adjustable in in different increments or stops.  Each stop or f number allows half the light in as the previous one.  The term f-number or f-stop is used to define the ratio of the focal length to the diameter of the aperture.

Cameras do not see the world the way that we do, and sometimes we find that an image is too dark and you cannot distinguish any detail.  The camera is based on the different hues of gray.  
Rule of Thirds 
The rule of thirds helps you to produce better images. It is something most people learn in beginning photography classes and is a useful rule to remember when framing your subject!  Of course, rules can be broken, but if you break this rule, remember the rule and know why you are breaking it!

he depth of field is the amount of your image beyond and before your focal point that will be in focus.  Normally, for landscape, you want a large depth of field and to have everything in focus to capture the beauty of the scene. 

Photography Basics
 The word “photography” is French derived from the Greek language, in English it means “drawing from light”.   Photography is really all about light and how the camera works.
In a camera, light travels from the object to the sensor in film cameras.  The light goes through the lens to the sensor.

 Most common photography terms from A-Z

This is useful with limited depths of field mostly used in macro photography where you can focus the subject at different positions.  Take several images of the same subject each with a different focus spot. 
Exposure is how much light is absorbed into your cameras sensor.  If the shot is exposed for too long, the image will be “washed out”, by letting too much light exposed to your film or digital sensor.  If the image is too dark, then the exposure was too short.

our film or digital sensor.  If the image is too dark, then the exposure was too short.

Jeffrey Pine - Adams
Jeffrey Pine, Sentinel Dome - 1940.  Adams too this image with his 4" x 5" view camera. Today, the hike up the Mist Trail to Vernal Fall is short, accessible, and heavily trafficked. John Muir, in his book " 

Moonrise - Adams
Moonrise, Hernadez, New Mexico - Was one of his most famous.  The ititial publication of Moonrise was in U.S. Camera 1943 annual.  For nearly 40 years, Adams re-interpreted the image using the latest darkroom equipment at his disposal, making over 1,300 unique prints, mostly in 16" x 20" format.

Photo Bucket List
"How about you? Do you have a photography bucket list? Starting one should be easy. It doesn’t have to be a formal list or look a certain way. You can make it anyway you like.

Autumn Moon - Adams
1948, the images was taken from Glacier Point at Yosemite National park on September 15 at around 7:03 pm. Adams is famous for recording details in this image.

Ansel Adams
I must write about Adams, Ansel Adams has been the environmental legendary photographer who captured Americas beauty through the lens.  He is known for his black and white photographs that resound with shadows and light.  In my opinion, he has been one of the best photographers in our American history.

Tips for Beautiful Landscapes
There are many types of landscapes.  Rivers, mountains, forests, desert, swamps and each place has their own personality.  Find that personality, why is the Negev desert different than the Sahara desert?  You want to reflect that in your image.  Don’t just take an image of a bunch of sand blowing in the wind.  Your image needs to show the places distinct beauty.

How to Avoid Camera Shake
Why do my images turn out blurry?  It is called camera shake, we all have shaky hands. To get a good sharp image:.....

Tips for Outdoor Photography
Outdoor photography is similar to landscape photography.  But more than landscape, you take images of mother- nature, animals, trees, or water!
Here are some quick tips to help you get out of the box:

Quick Lesson on Camera Filters
You can get some really nice and creative effects using filters during the actual shooting, rather than using your processing software. The filters are used normally for color correction, to compensate the effects of lighting that is not balanced.

 Perspectives in Photography
Photography is not only cropping, cleaning and auto balancing your image to make that great shot.  However, I understand that in commercial, portrait, and creative photography, cropping, resetting, and altering the images is the norm.  Who wants to look at an advertisement for beauty cream with the face all blotchy and full of pimples?

Copyright SBrannonPhotography © 2011

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