Wednesday, 27 March 2013

4 Days Left - Portland's Homeless Project

We are counting down. Tick Tock Tick Tock
Remember if you pledge then you will be a part of our project by having automatic emails about the progress of the project, images, events, problems, and laughs.  You will have the opportunity to be a part of the project as if you were there yourself!  That is a good deal for a sweet pledge to ensure that this kicks off and we can hear the voices and stories of Portland's homeless and they can learn how to take great images!
Everyone should have the opportunity to learn some form of art.  Art heals.  Photography heals and is a great form of expression.  Below are some images from the Right 2 Dream too homeless camp in downtown Portland.  Their kitchen and a tent that is for those who are passing through and only want a place to sleep for one night.  The image of the people with their dog are waiting in line for the mobile shower.
You can do two things to help us:  1) Click on the video on the left and go to the Kickstarter page to make your pledge or 2) Click on the social network links and spread this project along to all your connections for support!

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