Sunday, 3 March 2013

Medjugorje Message: 2 March 2013

Photo: Susan Brannon

If you recall the Crossing Borders Project went to Medjugorje in Bosnia.  I like to keep in touch with the groups who participated and update others who heard the stories.  The story of Medjugorie is a spiritual one, where people from all over the world visit, pray, hope for healing and hope that a message will be given from The Virgin Mary, Magdalena.   I like to post the messages that are received by one of the six children (now adults) for the Catholics and Christians around the world.  For further reading on our project and the history of Medjugorie, just search this blog (on the right) and enter Medjugorje.
This message was given to Mirjana on 2 March 2013.
Italian then English

"Cari figli, vi invito di nuovo maternamente: non siate duri di cuore! Non chiudete gli occhi sugli ammonimenti che per amore il Padre Celeste vi manda. Voi lo amate al di sopra di tutto? Vi pentite che spesso dimenticate che il Padre Celeste per il suo grande amore ha mandato suo Figlio, affinché con la croce ci redimesse? Vi pentite che ancora non accogliete il messaggio? Figli miei, non opponetevi all'amore di mio Figlio. Non opponetevi alla speranza ed alla pace.
Con la vostra preghiera ed il vostro digiuno, mio Figlio con la sua croce scaccerà la tenebra che desidera circondarvi e impadronirsi di voi. Egli vi darà la forza per una nuova vita. Vivendola secondo mio Figlio, sarete benedizione e speranza per tutti quei peccatori che vagano nella tenebra del peccato. Figli miei, vegliate! Io, come Madre, veglio con voi.
Prego e veglio particolarmente su coloro che mio Figlio ha chiamato, affinché siano per voi portatori di luce e portatori di speranza: per i vostri pastori. Vi ringrazio".

"Dear children, I invite you again maternally: do not be hard-hearted Do not close your eyes to the admonitions to love Heavenly Father sent you. Ye love above all? Regretted that we often forget that our Heavenly Father for his great love sent his Son, that we redeem the cross? regretted that I still do not receive the message? my children, not oppose the love of my Son. Resist not to hope and peace.
With your prayers and your fasting, my son with his cross will dispel the darkness that surround you and want to get hold of you. He will give you the strength for a new life. By living according to my son, you will be blessing and hope for all sinners who wander in the darkness of sin. My children, be vigilant! I, as a mother, I watch with you.
Please awake and particularly of those whom my Son has called for you to be light bearers and bearers of hope for your shepherds. Thank you. "

Related Articles:
 A Glimpse into Medjugorje
Medjugorje:  Short film 
Voices: The Crossing Borders Project: Medjugorje; short film(Matteo)
Voices: The Crossing Borders Project: Medjugorje: short film (Olimpia) 
Voices: The Crossing Borders Project: Medjugorje; short film (Susan)
Voices: The Crossing Borders Project: Medjugorje: short film (Franca)
Medjugorje:  Five Main Messages

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