Friday, 26 April 2013

Portland's Homeless: Roll Two Images Shepherd's Door

Here are some of the images from the second roll from the women at the Shepherd's Door.
The workshop has been moving well and everyone is starting to understand the limits of using film over digital!  We must wait to see the images and thus everyone needs to think about what they are taking pictures of.  The world of film is just about lost but for this workshop it is important.  We can't see the image right away and make the decision to delete of keep it.  Everyone is limited to 27 images, the light and the results.
Working with the street homeless on a project such as this does has its risks of people either taking the camera and not coming back or moving on to another city.  I decided to work with the two shelters to reduce the risk of transient behavior so we can do the series of workshops and develop stories.  Unfortunately, nothing is guaranteed and Lauren decided to leave the shelter so she will no longer be participating in the workshop.  We are sorry to see her go.
Here are three from each participant for roll two in this order: (And yes, their real names are Rachel!)
Rachel B
Rachel L
Rachel S

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